Spec Project Concept: Publicity idea for the Walt Disney company. Participants take pictures of “hidden mickeys” (anything that looks like the shape of Mickey Mouse) in their everyday lives and send them to Disney via social media or Disney’s website as a way of winning prizes and/or trips to Disney World, etc.

Find Your Mickey Website
Join Mickey Mouse and his sleuthing gang in a search to find the ultimate hidden mickey!
Mickeys are all around us, but you must dig deep to find them. Keep an eye out for any hidden mickeys you see on your way to work, around the house, outside, or wherever else a mickey shape catches your eye!
Have a hidden mickey you are proud of? Post it to our website or tag us on social media for a chance to win special edition Disney gear and free stays at Walt Disney resorts around the world!
All it takes is imagination, a keen eye, and a little bit of pixie dust!

Find hidden mickeys in images. When the mouse hovers over the image, Tinker Bell reveals the hidden mickey. People can vote on which hidden mickey is their favorite. Whoever gets the most votes wins a prize, vacation, etc.
Find Your Mickey Social Media
People can post their hidden mickeys to a certain hashtag or tag Disney’s social media account to have a chance to be featured in Disney’s weekly post (“Hidden Mickey of the Week”)
@Disney @waltdisneyworld @disneyparks #hiddenmickey #findyourmickey

Social Media Copy: Congrats to @disneylover1975 and their dog, Lily, for winning Hidden Mickey of the Week! Pluto was very excited when he found the Mickey on this fellow canine! Enjoy your free one-day Walt Disney World park hopper passes, courtesy of all our pups here at Disney!
Found a Hidden Mickey you are proud of? Submit it on www.disney.com/findyourmickey for a chance to win some magical prizes and be featured in our weekly instagram post!
@waltdisneyworld @disneyparks #findyourmickey